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What are our resources and services?

Horizon Events

Key Holders are the types of Gentlemen who hold in their hands the world's future. At Horizon Events Key Holders have the opportunity to surround themselves with respectable peers to network and learn with. Horizon Events can and do vary. While some events are designed as conventions for new technologies and companies with keynote speakers, others are simply private environments to network, share a drink, and enjoy life with your fellow Gentlemen. Some may be in person while others are online. But an eye towards the horizon is always what sets apart GentKey's Horizon events.

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Exclusive access to our online servers

Key Holders are Gentlemen, which can only be found few and far between in the world we live in today. As such being based in a physical location, at least for the time being, would be unwise. So we here at GentKey have an online home built to house our Gentlemen online 24/7 giving them constant access to other Gentlemen. Whether you want to relax and chat with other Key Holders in the gardens and lounges, or get questions answered on the seer stones, GentKey Tower is built for you.

See our server

Placement into Horizon Lodges

Your success is our success. When you become a Key Holder, you choose a lodge to belong to, which is a crucial moment. We here at GentKey believe the world is failing when they organize people based on who they are. We believe in looking at people from the lens of where they are going. So you choose your lodge on just that, what you value. Maybe your passion is people, so you choose the Statesmen Lodge. Maybe your passion, or as we call it your gent, is the creation of something new and innovative, in which case you choose the Inventor Lodge. Whatever it may be, the Gent to your Gentlemen is here at GentKey.

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Exclusive prices on Products and Services

Your success is our success. For this reason, we are looking into partnering with companies around the world to offer exclusive products and services at discounted prices. When you become a Key Holder, you choose the lodge you belong in and this step is crucial. Your lodge is part of your identity and allows us to notify you of the most relevant partnerships we make to save you money.

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